Some of you might know Owen and his family (Dad, Stepmom & little brother) were in a car accident back in September coming home from an Oregon state football game. They were rear ended and Owen suffered a traumatic brain injury. After the accident he got brought to a hospital in Corvallis and was life flighted to a Portland hospital and immediately was brought into surgery. Fast forward, Owen is now in Chicago with his parents (Dad & Mom) by his side getting the best rehab they can for him. Owen is a fighter and has the right support around him to get through this. Let’s show him and his family all the support and love we can. Please continue to send prayers his way!

Join us on July 13th, 2024 for a round of golf, lunch and more, all to support our SWEAT kids and the SWEAT basketball program.

$90= Person

Covers a round of golf, lunch, goodie bag and 1 drink ticket.

$360= Foursome

Covers four rounds of golf, lunch for four, four goodie bags and 4 drink tickets.

Please register here to sign up as an individual or a foursome. If you’re registering as a team, please have one individual register all four golfers.

We look forward to seeing you at the tournament out at Glendoveer in Portland!!